Call for Irve courier!

This is delivery service : our driver comes to your indicated place for picking up your order and then brings it back, when it is ready.

+371 25490012 Riga and Riga region

+371 25490014 Riga, Riga region and Sigulda

+371 25490011 Lielvārda, Ķegums and Rembate

+371 28005335 Jelgava, Jelgavas region and Ozolnieki

Drop and collect your clothes and laundry through

Find out more

Call by phone!

+371 25490012 Riga and Riga region

+371 25490014 Riga, Riga region and Sigulda

+371 25490011 Lielvārda, Ķegums and Rembate

+371 28005335 Jelgava, Jelgavas region and Ozolnieki

or fill in this form

Frequently asked questions

What is mobile service?

It is our delivery service. Irve’s representative will arrive at your specified location to collect the order and bring it back when it has been cleaned.

Where does it operate?

  • In Rīga and its immediate vicinity (tel. no.  +371 25490012,  +371 25490014)
  • Sigulda (Krišjānis +371 25490014)
  • Ventspils (Olafs, tel. no. +371 27712388)
  • Skrunda (Indulis, tel. no. +371 29533360)
  • Rēzekne (Ivars, tel. no. +371 29703237)
  • Lielvārde (Tālis, Astrīda, +371 25490011)

How much does it cost?

Just as much as it would for you to drive to a stationary service point, if order sum is not less than 30.00 EUR. Orders for sum under 30.00 EUR  are subject to delivery charge of EUR 10.00.

How can I request mobile service?

By phone – Monday to Friday: 8:00AM – 19:00PM.
By registering on website:



How long does it take to complete an order?

You will arrange this with service personnel when you give your order for cleaning.

How long does it take for courier to arrive?

You will arrange the time and place with service personnel over phone. If order is made during workday until12:00 or Saturday until 10:30, it will be collected the same day. If it is made in other time it will be collected the next working day.

Are discounts available?

Discounts are available, but you should inform the service personnel about them when you deliver your order.

How and when is payment made?

You can pay for the service by bank transfer according to the receipt you'll receive on your e-mail or phone. The delivery of the clean clothing or laundry will be made after we've received the confirmation of your payment.

What happens if I have forgotten something valuable in the pockets?

If you discover this, you should call our manager immediately on 29250296.

If this is discovered by Irve, then we will inform you by phone and the relevant item will be placed in a bag and attached to the order.